Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Industrial Control Safety

I received a set of prints recently from a well-known manufacturer. You won't find a more professional organization than this. Their factories are clean, organized and staffed by highly trained people who seem to enjoy their jobs. The prints were for a panel they wanted built and had been designed by a large machine builder in the US and stamped by an engineer. Imagine my surprise when I noticed the inputs to the PLC were all from the grounded side of the power supply. I asked about it and the reply was "Many of our machines are done that way. Is it a problem?".

Perhaps you don't catch the significance of this so let me give you a scenario. Joe is walking by a machine thinking about today's scheduling problems. Bob is driving his forklift down the aisle. Joe walks out from behind the machine a little faster than he should. Bob slams on the brakes just in time to avoid running over Joe but swerves a tad and gently rubs against the machine. Joe jumps back at the same moment and falls on top of some rollers. No real damage done. A piece of conduit pushed out of place. Couple of ripped wires. Whoops! The machine is starting up! Joe dies a horrible death. Okay, there should have been guards in place it's just a story, okay?

Why did the machine start up? Someone thought it was okay to wire a start button in an NPN fashion on a controller fed from a negative ground system. As soon as the damaged wire received a short circuit to ground, the PLC saw a request to start and did as it was told. Joe probably didn't appreciate its obedience.

The drawing below shows how things were done. The PLC is simply waiting for its input circuit to be completed and when that happens it will start the motor. Current will flow from the ungrounded side of the power supply (V+) into the module common terminal (COM), through the module's internal optical diode and out the "input", through the switch and into the grounded (V-) side of the supply. Now picture a short circuit to ground occurring between the PLC input module and the motor start button. The PLC doesn't know whether a short occurred or someone pressed the button. It's exactly the same thing either way. The fuse won't blow because we are merely shorting to the side of the supply that is already grounded. The correct way to wire this would be to simply reverse the supply connections. The V+ connection should go to the left side of the start button and V- should go to the COM terminals of the input module. Now a short circuit occurring on either side of the start button will cause the fuse to blow. The motor will not start up. Depending on the PLC, you may not be able to reverse the connections so choose your modules carefully before you order!

Input modules should have the common connected to the grounded side of the power source and output modules should have the common connected to the ungrounded side. Think of it this way: Positive or Hot signals should come out of outputs and go into inputs. Negatives & Neutrals shouldn't do anything but sit there looking pretty. Why do I keep seeing the opposite being done?

This drawing shows the wrong way to do it!

I see so many dangerous designs in my day-to-day work that it's beginning to scare me. And they are coming from people who should know better. Control specialists, technical graduates, professional engineers, you name it. So here's my list of Do's and Don'ts. Perhaps I should say it's my "Please, Please, For the Love of God, Don't Even Think About Doing Otherwise" list.

1) Always ground power supplies and transformers unless you plan on monitoring for accidental grounds. For control systems, it's just not worth the complexity needed to make an ungrounded system safe. We want a fully grounded system. Every time you create a new supply source (where the output is isolated from the input), you must re-ground the output. That means your control transformer needs a ground and so does your DC power supply. That includes power supplies built into PLC's. Each connection must be made right at the source device's output and should be wired direct to ground in plain view and as close to the device as possible. Use a dedicated screw into the cabinet backplate, not a din rail terminal and not a device support. Don't hide the screw or the wire in duct and don't put other grounds onto it. It should be obvious and easy to verify that it's still there. The norm in most of the world is to ground the negative side of a DC power supply and X2 in the case of an AC control transformer. Don't forget to bond the cabinet's backplate to the cabinet itself.

2) Fuse the ungrounded side of the source. Don't fuse the grounded side.

3) If you opt for an ungrounded system with a ground detector then bear the following in mind. A ground detector must actually interrupt power when the first ground is detected and it must operate faster than your control system. A simple notification is not good enough. There is an excellent chance that the first short to ground is occuring across both conductors from a button or sensor and is thus bypassing the contacts. The common idea that no hazard exists until a second ground occurs is just plain wrong. Picture a broken conduit coupling bent over at 90 degrees and ripping the wiring inside. It bites into the insulation on the 2 wires going to a single pushbutton and turns on a ground detector's indicator light. It also launches an ICBM towards Moscow. An older idea is to switch both sides of the supply simultaneously which is still not very good and is impossible using things like PLC's that share a common between several I/O points. A properly wired, grounded system would just blow the fuse. A ground detector is also a liability. It can fail. 

4) Never place a contact in a grounded conductor of your control system. It's too easily bypassed by shorts to ground. Remember, your grounded conductor doesn't mind additional connections to ground. Only the ungrounded conductor will detect attempts at bypassing contacts by blowing your protection fuse. Trying to decide between NPN or PNP sensors? It's not a matter of personal preference despite what some people will tell you. Assuming you have a grounded negative system (you should), the use of an NPN start signal or safety-related sensor is a crime. Use PNP! If the device is something like an encoder, you could generally use either since all that would happen in a bypass would be a loss of the encoder signal.

If you are confused by the terms PNP and NPN, here's a quick primer. They refer to the layered construction of semiconductors like transistors. The "N" stands for "Negative" and the "P" stands for "Positive". With respect to sensors, an NPN device is one that can switch the negative side of a circuit while a PNP device is designed to switch the positive side. In other words, a PNP device must sit between the controlled load and the connection to the positive side of the power supply. It switches the load on or off by making and breaking the load's positive line. It's easy to remember; NPN has the most N's in its name and it switches Negatives; PNP has the most P's in its name and it switches Positives. NPN is the norm in circuit board electronics but in industrial control, PNP = good and NPN = bad.

I'll say this a little louder
unless you are sure that a false activation will be harmless. No exceptions. EVER! 

5) The rules for inputs also apply to outputs. Your loads should have one side hard- wired to the grounded side of the supply. Switch the ungrounded line. You don't want your PLC overruled by a short to ground.

6) You can't go by the terms "sourcing" and "sinking" when choosing I/O modules. Different manufacturers use the terms in opposite ways. You must check their drawings before you can be sure of what you are getting. A sourcing device is one that supplies positive charges to another. A sinking device accepts positive charges from a sourcing device. A pnp sensor is a source that sends positive signals to a sinking plc input module. The problem is that some manufacturers such as Mitsubishi label such an input module as sourcing presumably because it's designed to be used with sourcing field devices. Just the kind of confusion the industry needs.

7) Always ground everything conductive that could potentially be involved in a bypass attempt. That means enclosures, conduit, cable glands, etc. It also means anything nearby that flailing or falling wiring could touch such as machine sections, railings and guards. If you don't pre-ground these things, your fuse won't protect you, your contacts will be bypassed and you wasted your time grounding the supply in the first place. It doesn't matter if you are only using 24 volts. You still need everything grounded to prevent your contacts and sensors from being bypassed.

8) Stop using 120 volts for every little thing. Quit already. Okay? Use extra-low-voltage whenever possible. 24 volts is ideal and very widely used. Short circuits are gentler, cause less damage and maintenance people and operators won't get electrocuted by it. Anything over 50 volts is bad. You can still power your large contactors and whatnot inside of your main cabinet with 120v when needed. All of your field wiring to pushbuttons, limit switches, sensors, etc should be 24 volt.

9) Use DC for control in the field rather than AC. It doesn't take that much wire length before you have enough capacitance to magically bypass your contacts just like a short circuit. It can wreak havoc on a control system's operation. No point worrying about when it will cause a problem. Just don't use AC for control. Period.

10) Use only isolating type transformers for your control power. Choosing an autotransformer is a quick way to destroy PLC's, computers, test equipment and people. Similar warnings apply to DC power supplies. They must be isolating types built to the appropriate standards. Not all of them are.

11) Feed the top of contactors, switches, etc. Never feed the bottom. I don't care if you have to use an extra three feet of wire and go around and into the next duct to do it. This is a standard that has been around longer than there have been relays, contactors, control cabinets or you or me. As for "cube" relays, you don't have much choice with these sorry excuses of terminal contortions. They were designed by people that didn't know better or didn't care. If you are an actual designer of relays, power supplies and similar things smarten up. 

12) Put Emergency Stop buttons all over the place. Think about where someone will be when an emergency happens. What if they are a new employee or a visitor who is not familiar with the machine? Will someone even be within sight of a button? Will they be able to reach it quickly? If they are physically trapped or in the process of being pulled into the machine, will they still be able to reach it? Use real E-Stops with large, red, mushroom heads. I have one client who installed several of these as start buttons because "they were all we had at the time". Could prove entertaining when the safety inspector comes by� "No not that button. The little green one stops it, the black one starts it and the big red one is for Go Real Fast". 

13) Don't make Emergency Stop buttons do things when pressed. Make them stop things when pressed. I once almost chopped a client's finger off because of this. I noticed he had his hand inside of a swaging machine adjusting it while it was running. Being a considerate guy, I punched the E-Stop so he wouldn't get hurt. The machine instantly retracted an air cylinder under full power in order to get back to its rest position. He pulled his hand out just in time with only slight bruising of one finger. I feel very stupid for doing that. Just the same, I'd love to get my hands on the idiot that designed it. Remember, they are called "Emergency" buttons for a reason. 

14) An ordinary (non-mushroom) stop button can stop whatever you want it to, in whatever fashion you wish (it may even cause cylinders to retract). An E-Stop should immediately shut down everything. Don't mix up their purpose. Of course there are exceptions. Things like braking circuits are obvious candidates for staying on during an E-Stop. The general goal, however, is that whatever could possibly go wrong (or make a bad situation worse) should be on the included list of things that are killed by the E-Stops. The easy rule is that unless an item must stay on for safety, then every E-Stop should shut it off no matter what it is. 

15) Releasing an E-Stop is not considered a "Start back up again, I was only kidding" signal. You should have to press a different button to restart. Don't use momentary E-Stops either. They are still sold because some people collect them as museum pieces. Today, we use only latching buttons so that once pressed, you have some confidence the system won't start up again even though a problem somewhere else is causing a start signal to be constantly generated. By the way, that's the standard first test of any stop button; if it's pressed, no other signals should be able to start up the machine.

16) If possible, an Emergency Stop should not only stop all motion, it should also relieve all pressure. This is especially true in machines that are complex when in manual mode. Air systems are a snap for this. The machine should "relax". If you are ever trapped, you'll be glad of this feature. Note: relax does not mean drop a pallet on someone. 

17) Think about an "extraction procedure" when designing controls. This means what would have to be done if someone was caught in the machine in order to free them. Maybe you should add certain manual controls. An example might be an inching reverse ability for some of the motors along with clearly marked buttons. There was a case in my city where three workers were crushed badly under a several thousand ton punch press that dropped a bit while they were working under it. The ambulance and fire department had to wait more than an hour while the dying men pleaded for help. Apparently it's not easy to find someone at 3 in the morning who can reverse a motor with a complex control cabinet full of strange looking stuff. They didn't survive.

18) Don't rely on your PLC to respond to Emergency Stops. Use a master contactor that interrupts all control power and have the E-Stops kill that. You can monitor the action with the PLC or even operate both in series. Some localities allow PLC's to operate safety circuits without contactor assistance but many do not. I always use a contactor. What's the big deal? Contactors are cheap. I get the added assurance that should my program or the PLC itself fail in some weird manner, the operator can still nail that E-Stop and shut down the machine. 

19) Do some research into "positive-guided relays" also known as "force guided relays". These and the new electronic "safety relays" can add a great deal of confidence that your system is still working the way you intended. They won't tell false tales to your PLC (in theory). For positive-guided, electro-mechanical relays, Omron sells the G7S. FGR International (www.fgri.com) sells various and AEG has small ones and even large power contactor sizes. Check the web. 

20) Most of those new ultra-micro PLC's or "Smart Relays" that people are growing fond of are not for use where safety is even remotely involved. Read the specs carefully before you use them. If the inputs can be programmed to be either digital or analogue, that's a give-away that they are not isolated. Except for one high-end model made by Moeller, even the digital-only inputs are not isolated on any of the brands I've checked. An input failure on these, can travel through the internal circuitry and activate any of the other inputs or other parts of your control system. It could cause equally unpleasant actions by interfering with the internal logic and memory. Examples of these are the Alpha, Logo, Easy, Pico, Zelio etc. 

21) Don't be too quick to use palm actuators and similar devices that use electronics, proximity triggers and other complex methods to issue start signals. They've been implicated in more than one accident (click here for an example). Some of the models that I have looked at, were low-grade devices that have no place in most industrial applications. They were single-channel, non-redundant, and non-self-checking (can you say non-acceptable?). Their focus was less on safety than on cashing in on the fears of repetitive strain lawsuits. Regardless, I wouldn't use even the best ones except in truly non-hazardous applications (where they might actually be quite useful). The addition of a "safety relay" does not miraculously change the situation either, unless your sales rep bears more than a passing resemblance to Jesus. Be aware too that standard proximity sensors (including infra-red and laser) are not safety rated nor are they intended to be. They're made for counting donuts not for detecting when an operator is clear of a pinch-point. High-hazard rated electronic sensors such as light curtains that will issue stop commands are feasible (when used properly) and available. Issuing start commands is a whole different matter.

22) Consider using a both a normally-open and a normally-closed contact on start buttons (or other sensors) that will initiate a hazardous operation. Declare an error condition if they are both open beyond a short amount of time or if they are ever both closed. A proper start sequence involves seeing that the N.C. contacts are in fact closed, followed by them opening, followed shortly by the N.O. contacts closing. This can help avoid false signals from wiring problems and tends to verify that the button's mechanical operation is good. If you need to use a 2-hand start then you absolutely should use this setup on each button (along with anti-tie-down timing). 

23) Don't touch anything on a punch press or brake type of machine unless you are very familiar with the myriad of requirements and dangers. I say type because there are presses that are not called such by the makers but the laws still apply. It's a rather serious and heavily enforced area and you can get yourself into a heap of trouble. Most of the enforcement occurs after an accident. Incidents are often things like double amputations. If you think you can make a quick dollar installing light-curtains, think twice. Read and understand the rules. Even better, read your insurance policy.

24) Check the ratings on "supplementary" or "mini" breakers and certain all-in-one, overload/overcurrent motor protectors and watch how you use them. They've hurt more than a few workers. The problem is they can only safely interrupt a fault current if they are already closed when it occurs. Doing a closure into a fault and then having to immediately open is a serious stress. Some can't handle a fault at all and rely completely on upstream fuses. It goes like this: Motor burns out. Fuses ahead of breaker blow. Man flips breaker on and off a few times to see if that will fix things. Man leaves breaker in the off position. Man finds and changes fuses. Man flips on breaker. Breaker blows up in man's face. More fun stories for the kid's around the campfire.

25) You should go to extreme lengths to ensure that a single switch disconnects all power in a control cabinet. That would be the switch that's within reach of or mounted in the cabinet. Not the one across the factory and definitely not the one in Niagara Falls. It can get tricky when you are interconnecting machines. Add auxiliary contacts to the switch if you have to. If some things must remain live with the switch off then separate all of the involved components and terminals into a distinct area with a faceplate barrier. Label it and the switch with warnings. Better still, put them in a separate box labelled as containing multiple sources.

26) There are various types of charge storage devices. Make sure these don't interfere with your E-Stop system or present a maintenance hazard. Capacitors should have draining resistors added to them if they don't have internal ones.

27) I'm sure you've heard it before but don't mix voltages in your conduits. 24 volts goes in one conduit. 120 volts goes in another. 380, 480 or 600 go in still another. Induced current is the usual reason given for separating them but it's not the only problem. Conduits and cables are where shorts occur. You don't need 600 volts travelling into your 24-volt PLC cards. Strange things could happen. For the same reason, use wire rated for the highest voltage in a cabinet. Don't use 300 volt wiring for the low voltage "cause thets all I'm a usin on thet thar particlar wyre. U know, thet one thets a leanin up agin the 600 volt moter contractor". [Sorry. I couldn't resist] 

28) Choose whether you need N.O. or N.C. contacts very carefully. You need a sensor or contact to "fail to safe" rather than "fail to hazard". Statistically, it is much more likely in a failure that you will have a loss of connection rather than closures like locked or bypassed contacts that don't blow the fuse. This means a failure will most likely be a bad joint, a wire pulled away from a terminal or something similar that results in an open circuit rather than a closed circuit. I call it the Broken Wire question. Ask yourself, what will happen if a wire on these contacts breaks off. Do I have a safe condition or a hazardous one? If the button is a start button and the wire falls off, you DON'T want that to mimic a press of the button. If the start button circuit has to be closed to start then a wire break will not hurt anything. If it has to be opened to start then the wire break would be the same as a start signal. Therefore we want start buttons to be "close on activate" or N.O. A stop button is the opposite. We want a wire break to be the same as someone pressing the stop button so we use N.C. (open on activate). Otherwise, if we made a stop button "close on activate" and the wire fell off, pressing the button would not stop the machine. 

You need to really think hard about things like door safety contacts and other odd switches. You usually want a door to strike a switch when the door is closed thus closing the contacts and signalling "guards in place safe to run". That requires a N.O. contact. If the wire falls off the switch, it's the same as opening the door. Machine stops.

29) Recognise that everything wears out and fails eventually. If the failure of a limit switch means something catastrophic will happen (like frogs falling from the sky or maybe an expensive machine ripping itself apart) then back it up with a second switch! 

30) Use green lights to indicate normal conditions like "Motor is On". Red used to mean pretty much everything. It's better to reserve it for things with a negative connotation like "Error", "Emergency", "Overload", etc. There are many other colours you can choose from to identify various conditions. Leave red for the bad stuff. 

31) Don't drill holes or run cables into the top of cabinets & boxes in oily or wet environments. That's just asking to have stuff drip all over everything inside. 

32) Conduits should be sealed with a removable compound (duct-seal) if they run to outdoor equipment or between any areas that differ greatly in temperature. If not, you'll get warm, moist air travelling through the conduit and condensing on the equipment at the cold end. That leads to corrosion, arcing, flash-over, icing and freezing of parts. 

33) Don't mount terminal strips lower than 18" above the floor. Give all those people with blown out knees & bad backs a break. Pretty please? ;-) 

34) Protect your system with current limiting fuses having suitable interrupt ratings. That means 200,000 amp interrupting capacity for the main and wherever else you can manage. Breakers are poor choices for main protection even if you know what the available fault current is. The machine may move to a new home someday. 

35) Everything in your panel should be built to an IP20 rating. That means finger-size objects can not touch any live parts. No exposed fuse blocks or transformer lugs thank you very much. Don't make it difficult for test probes however. They should be able to go anywhere. It's also smart to leave enough physical room and wire slack wherever you might need to use a current clamp to check loading such as at motor contactors and fuses. There's nothing like a pretty panel that nobody can work on.

Jumat, 28 Mei 2010

PLC on a Chip

Its name tells it all. "PLC on a Chip" is a programmable logic controller (PLC) on a single microprocessor chip. Sure, it needs to be mounted on something. Sure, as with other microprocessors, a static charge will fry it. Sure, it requires a power supply and a bus for inputs/outputs (I/O) and some type of programming interface and some other external, off-chip items. But just as assuredly, it is an honest-to-goodness PLC that can be embedded into devices, machines, and systems. At an affordable price.

The goal of the chip, explains Terry Divelbiss, president of Divelbiss Corp. (Fredericktown, OH), is to "offer an alternative to OEMs manufacturing front-end equipment, tail-end equipment, or the equipment in the middle." He points out that there's a need to go directly from the logic level of the sensor, machine tool, or whatever to a PLC. An embedded PLC does exactly that. "To me, a PLC is a combination of the right programming capability with everything else ready to go—communications, digital and analog I/O, and high-speed counting capability," says Divelbiss.

The PLC chip he's selling measures 21.5-mm (0.8465-in.) square. It comes in four types that are mostly differentiated by on-board flash memory (128 KB to 512 KB) and random access memory (8 KB to 14 KB). The chips are similar to the CPU in a desktop computer in that they require 5 VDC. They can operate in temperatures between -40ºC to 85ºC (one is ruggedized for temperatures up to 125ºC). All the chips have asynchronous serial communications (up to 11.5 kbaud) and eight analog ports (0 to 5 VDC input, 10 bit). Two of the chips offer up to five CAN ports. (These are proprietary CAN ports that can communicate to CANopen.) They also have some pulse-width-modulation ports: up to eight 8-bit channels or four 16-bit channels. For digital I/O, the chips support 26 direct I/O or 24 inputs, 15 outputs, plus 256 external I/O points. All I/O and integrated functions are pre-assigned.

The chip's kernel is programmed through conventional PLC ladder logic or function block languages, versus C or some other chip-level programming language. (You program the chip using Divelbiss' own PC-based EZ Ladder software, which conforms to the IEC-61131 standard plus extensions.) The chip can hold up to 51 instructions per function block. These are typical PLC instructions, including contacts, counters, times, drum sequencers, and functions for math, bit manipulation, closed loop control, and communications. Function block programming provides additional decision process capabilities, such as comparisons so that a counter, when reaching some pre-specified value, triggers an event. In test operations, PLC on a Chip can scan through 500 rungs of ladder logic in 2.5 msec. Not surprisingly, scan times are longer in control programs with a lot of math in the function blocks.

What you get in a small box
You could get these same PLC capabilities through a custom control chip. That's not only expensive, but dedicated chips and "one-offs" don't often conform to any sort of standard. "The ability for the OEM's customer to make changes doesn't exist, unless it's a simple menu thing," says Divelbiss. Another option is to go the "soft PLC" route. This is where you have PLC functionality in an industrialized personal computer. The debate over conventional PLCs and soft PLCs is legion.

Then there's the tried-and-true approach: Buy and install a box of industrial control. "The marketplace is going for small controllers. It's growing and it's diversifying," says Sy Stevens, product marketing manager for Rockwell Automation (Milwaukee, WI). "And as technology increases, obviously the size [of PLCs] decreases."

According to Divelbiss, the PLC on a Chip is much more than a smart relay, and much more than a relay replacer that basically consists of a timer and a counter. This chip, says Divelbiss, is more like a micro PLC.

Okay, let's look at that. Micro PLCs are targeted for small machine control, where space for additional electronics (read "control system") is at a premium and the operating environment (read "harsh") demands reliable performance. For instance, the 16 I/O, DC-powered Allen-Bradley MicroLogix 1000 measures 120 x 80 x 40 mm (4.72 x 3.15 x 1.57 in.). Execution speed for a typical 500-instruction program is 1.56 ms (throughput 1.85 ms). For communications, the PLC offers direct connections to programming devices or operator interfaces, as well as options for DH-485 networking, DeviceNet, and EtherNet/IP.

If PLC size is the overriding factor, the next step in terms of compactness is the nano controller. The Allen-Bradley Pico GFX-70 announced in January, for example, is aimed at simple logic, timing, counting, and real-time clock operations. Unlike other Allen-Bradley Pico controllers, this one includes a 70-mm (2.75-in.) backlit monochrome LCD display (a.k.a. human/machine interface, HMI) and keypad buttons for both control programming and control monitoring. The unit measures (with keys) 86.5 x 86.5 x 43 mm (3.41 x 3.41 x 1.69 in.) and weighs 130 g (0.287 lb). Mounting requires two 22.5-mm (0.886-in.) holes spaced 30 mm (1.18 in.) apart. The components for the power supply and I/O snap onto the back of the display. The processor can also be mounted to a panel or DIN rail for use without the HMI. The Pico communicates through GFX proprietary Pico-Link, a proprietary protocol based on CANopen, that lets up to eight Pico units be connected from up to 1,000 m (3,280 ft) away, providing up to 272 I/O points through Pico expansion I/O modules. However, admits Stevens, "If you're looking to get information from basically the shop floor to the top floor, you're not going to want to use a Pico. You want something like a MicroLogix, which can jump onto a major network."

One word: "embeddedness"
The cost of the PLC on a Chip ranges from about $20 (low-end chip; 5,000 quantity) to just over $40 (high-end chip; in trays of 60). Modules, separate boards with features such as connectors and critical circuits that facilitate implementation of the chips, cost more, but they're simpler to use. Low quantities of the 128 KB flash-memory version of the module, without the real-time clock, can go for as much as about $70. With CAN ports, the module can cost as much as $90. Compare this to the cost of the Pico GFX-70. These start at $525, while a standard Allen-Bradley Pico (without the HMI) can be had for $150 in large quantities.

The comparison is not exactly apples-to-apples. The Pico PLCs are handy, small, inexpensive, powerful, packaged units. However, they satisfy a completely different niche on the factory floor than the PLC on a Chip, which can be embedded into sensors, motor drives, machine and engine controls, remote control and monitoring system (such as SCADA systems)—you name it. Divelbiss envisions sprinkling these PLC chips all over a conveyor system. This way, you can have sensor capabilities and motor control—intelligent decision/control points—all over a materials handling system. The alternative approach would be to physically wire individual points or local controllers to whatever flavor of PLC out on the shop floor or that can be hung nearby.

SCADA Makes the World a Smaller Place

Advances in distributed intelligence also have helped to encourage greater use of SCADA over large geographical areas. “Critical tasks such as high-speed counting and PID (proportional integral derivative) control can be distributed at the I/O (input/output) level,” says Arun Sinha, director of business development at Opto 22, a Temecula, Calif., automation supplier. “These are time-critical tasks that would otherwise have to happen back at the control room.”

These benefits attracted the attention of McMinnville Water & Light, the small utility serving the 25,000 people living in and around McMinnville, Ore. The company’s old SCADA system was not monitoring its grid and evaluating the effects of corrective actions on power quality in real time. The dial-up data modems and leased phone lines that it was using to communicate with its six substations were too slow in transmitting crucial information between the PLCs and the operations staff. The system, moreover, was capturing only a portion of the pulses from meters used for calculating bills.

To improve the system’s response and reliability, the company installed a Snap Ethernet I/O control system from Opto 22 and strung a fiber-optic line to link the substations with the main office. “With our extended wide-area network, we can look at just about every field device connected to it without our having to leave our desks,” says Jon Spence, the technician at McMinnville who does all of the SCADA programming.

Technicians can now use real-time data to perform substation switching and see the effects immediately. With the old SCADA system, they had to wait as long as 24 hours until the system took its daily poll of the controllers to get the load and phase data. “And if a superintendent were to close a breaker, it could take as long as two minutes before he saw any change,” says Spence. “Now it takes a few seconds.”

Another reason for the success of SCADA over large areas has been the adoption of high-speed wireless communications. Greater bandwidth and better communications protocols have made it more practical. In fact, several water companies are running radio networks off their towers and setting up peer-to-peer radio networks to collect data, reports Steve Garbrecht, director of product marketing at Wonderware, a Lake Forest, Calif.-based automation software supplier and a unit of Invensys Systems Inc.

Satellites are also part of today’s mix of wireless communications. “Bandwidth is now available at a reasonable cost for locations that were not economically viable before,” notes George Quesada, product manager for oil and gas SCADA at automation vendor ABB Inc., in Calgary, Alberta.

SCADA by satellite

In fact, communicating by satellite is an important part of SCADA at Oil and Natural Gas Corp. (ONGC), based in Delhi, India. There, ABB’s SCADAvantage runs on almost 300 servers and covers all of India, possibly making the SCADA installation the largest in the oil and gas industry.

ONGS made the investment because gathering consolidated field data on production had been taking weeks or months. To make matters worse, the data contained inconsistencies, and the costs to obtain it were rising. It was necessary to find a way to streamline the data flow and to deliver information in real time. Real-time data is an important management tool today for reaching business objectives, says A.K. Balyan, Ph.D., director of infocom services.

To cover the territory, it was necessary to distribute the system in three tiers. The first is the more than 270 field installations handling the daily operations of onshore sites and offshore platforms. The second tier is the 13 regional centers that optimize activities, and the third is the central office in Delhi. The software replicates both the data and configuration information in real time and automatically recovers from any interruption in communications. Consequently, Balyan reports that there is no loss of data.

The Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewage Authority (PRASA) also transmits data by satellite, adding this mode of communication to its mix of media. The island’s rugged, mountainous terrain renders radio communications impractical to impossible in many regions. “So we use satellite cell phone technology instead,” explains Tony Matias, director of both PRASA’s western region and the company’s Integrated Preventive Maintenance Program.

Another complication is the complexity of Puerto Rico’s water system. Not only does the 5,300-employee company serve 1.2 million customers, but it also must manage 1,500 sites spread over the 100-by-25-mile island. For various reasons in the past, the water filtration plants were not located at altitudes that would permit distributing the water by gravity alone. Consequently, a network of 249 pumping stations pump most of the clean water coming from the 124 filtration plants to 227 reservoirs. About 600 pumping stations return sewage to 60 treatment plants.

Because of the terrain, corrective maintenance was a slow, manual process before SCADA. Whenever a pumping station would develop a problem, it would often take three to four days to discover it and to reestablish normal service. The automatic monitoring permitted by the SCADA has changed all of that. “A problem that used to take 72 hours to resolve now takes only five to six hours,” says Matias.

The system’s control hierarchy has three autonomous levels, each of which can work independently of the others if it loses its communications link temporarily. The various pumping stations and reservoir tanks associated with a plant report operating data to the plant’s control center, which passes it to one of the five regional centers. Each regional center relays information to headquarters in Hato Rey.

SCADA is the backbone of a five-year, $2.5 billion capital improvement program that was negotiated with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Department of Justice. Part of the deal was the development of a preventive maintenance program. “If we hadn’t selected SCADA software, we would have been forced to hire approximately 600 to 700 more employees just to monitor and collect the necessary information,” says Matias.

So far, PRASA has connected 212 sites to the SCADA monitoring system and expects to have all 1,500 sites connected by 2010. Matias is also developing the system further at the water plant in Maricao to do remote control. His goal is to tighten control with fewer people.

Strength through software

A strength of Wonderware’s platform is that it is component-object based. In other words, users can generate one template for monitoring and controlling a kind of asset, such as a pumping station, and use it wherever similar monitoring functions are needed. “If you want to change or add a parameter to a pump, you modify the template and deploy it to all of the running applications across the entire SCADA network simultaneously,” says Garbrecht.

Other flexible SCADA software exists, as PEMEX Exploration and Production (PEP) discovered when this agency of the Mexican government went looking for a way to tighten the coordination of its southern operations. It found LabView, a graphical programming language from National Instruments Corp. (NI), of Austin, Texas. This language not only comes with configuration-based SCADA tools, but also offers users the flexibility to develop links to PLCs and other industrial devices.

“A conventional SCADA package is configuration based, and a programming language is bolted onto it by way of scripts,” says Arun Veeramani, NI’s product manager for LabView. “If you have any customization, you invoke a script.” He claims that programmability of LabView removes the traditional boundaries between hardware such as programmable automation controllers and the SCADA application.

Removing these boundaries was important to PEP because the company had grown by acquisition and its various units contained a large number of disparate transmitters, PLCs, and other devices. Although the devices measured key data electronically in the field, the automation for collecting and distributing them was local. Coordination between the different management teams and their computer systems occurred manually by phone and e-mail.

This manual intervention allowed slight, but expensive errors to creep into the data. The southern region produces 1.52 million barrels of crude oil a day, which is 43 percent of Mexico’s total production. Because this volume is worth about $3 billion, measurement errors as low as 1 percent can translate easily into millions of dollars. “We needed an integrated and low-cost monitoring system that would enhance coordination between these teams and take advantage of existing measurement systems,” says Martin Fernandez Corzo, automation specialist at PEP.

As a first step, PEP engineers linked the 12 key remote workstations collecting information from the measurement devices, programming each to run an OPC (an open connectivity standard) server appropriate for the connected devices. “We developed a LabView DSC (for Datalogging and Supervisory Control) application for each of the stations that display the variables’ real-time values and historical trends,” explains Corzo. “These data are then connected to PEP’s intranet, so the variables can be published on the network through the LabView DSC Tag Engine.” The central station sorts through 3,000 tags to monitor all operating variables reported by the local stations.

Not only does the integration of these 12 stations allow management to make decisions more quickly, but it also improves the accuracy of the communications between the different supply and distribution centers. For this reason, management is considering how it might add more stations to the monitoring network, and make its world a much smaller and more profitable place.

Creating Dependable Automation

Automation Systems can be complex, with many solutions available to keep them running reliably.

Talk about reliability in manufacturing and the word that probably springs to mind is “motor.” Certainly, motors and other rotating equipment must be kept moving. No work is done unless a motor turns. Not surprisingly, suppliers have invested in technology to improve the reliability of these workhorses of manufacturing. Other parts of the automation system have gone under the reliability microscope, as well. As automation becomes more software intensive, it is imperative that engineers pay attention to reducing computer down-time. From sensors to software, engineers have used their ingenuity and technology to create a dependable automation system.

How about avoiding emergency shutdowns and saving your company $300,000? One paper plant invested in technology that monitors rotating equipment. The result was avoiding an emergency shut down, saving $180,000 in lost production and replacement parts, and another $120,000 on “machine clothing (Fourdranier Wire—a belt of woven wire used on the wet end of a Fourdrinier Machine, which is used to form a web of paper.).”

Typing and copy paper is made on very large and complicated machine trains comprised of dryers, siphons, motors, ventilation systems and a wide range of rolls, drives and webs. These machines produce paper at 3,200 feet per minute, and operate in a hot, wet, dirty and dusty environment. They require downtime every six weeks for adjustment, cleaning and replacement of worn parts and critical components.

Capacity on these machines means a loss of $15,000 an hour if an unexpected machine fault requires a shutdown. “An emergency unscheduled outage to change one of these rolls will cost us at least 12 hours,” says the plant’s fine paper machines Vibration Analyst. “That’s just the downtime, not counting a messed-up journal, bringing repair people in, and ordering emergency replacement parts.”

Constantly checking

Tending the machines is a constant job. Vibration monitoring with the CSI 2130 Machinery Health Analyzer and analysis with the AMS Suite Machinery Health Manager from Emerson Process Management, an Austin, Texas, technology supplier, for each of the fine paper machines at this plant is scheduled monthly, but sometimes even that is not enough. So the company added a CSI 4500 Machinery Health Monitor for continuous monitoring.

As the Emerson team was testing network connections for the installation prior to commissioning on the machine, an inner race bearing fault was detected on the breast roll in the Fourdrinier section of the machine. The expert vibration analyst verified the fault with the CSI 2130 portable analyzer. “The pattern showed up plain as day.” The roll wasn’t due to be checked again until after the scheduled outage. This would have triggered an unscheduled shutdown. Instead, repairs were made during the planned outage and no production time was lost.

The Emerson system saved the company $180,000 in production and $120,000 in machine clothing replacement before it was even commissioned. This plant now has 46 CSI 4500 Machinery Monitors keeping track of about 600 sensors on hundreds of rolls turning from 160 revolutions per minute (rpm) up to 2000 rpm on each fine paper machine. The monitors continue to prove their value.

Adding sophisticated sensors and the analysis tools to gather and interpret the data is seen as a growing competitive advantage—and not just in process automation such as the paper plant just discussed. “In this more competitive environment, even automotive companies are starting to look at reliability, predictive maintenance and condition monitoring as a competitive advantage,” notes Preston Johnson, segment manager for the sound and vibration team at National Instruments Corp. (NI), the Austin, Texas, supplier of data acquisition and automation technology.

Johnson relates a story about an NI systems integrator in Michigan who repairs robots for automotive customers. It built a database of information collected from customers to help them reduce repair time. The integrator worked with NI to put sensors on robots in order to enhance the data acquisition by monitoring repair points. Many of the robots and conveyors needed parts monitored in hard-to-reach places, making remote data acquisition more beneficial than depending upon manual inspection.

Best sensors

Steve Garbrecht, director of product marketing at Wonderware, an Invensys-owned software supplier located in Lake Forest, Calif., maintains that the best sensors in a plant are not connected to any control or database. “You might have 20 to 40 people in a plant on a human-machine interface (HMI) terminal sharing information with each other and the system,” he says, “but there may be another 600 people who don’t use computers as part of their jobs. They are walking around the plant all day seeing things that should be investigated, but with no way to connect back into the system to send alerts to maintenance to check things out.”

In order to connect these resources in a plant, Wonderware recently acquired SAT Corp., manufacturers of the Intellitrack product line. These are handheld computers that connect wirelessly into the Wonderware HMI system. “Intellitrack brings these additional people into the process,” says Garbrecht. “They capture information from stranded assets (those that don’t have instrumentation or connections) whose failure could bring down an entire line. Maybe they see a pump leaking. They can enter the observation directly into the system so that someone is notified immediately to check it out.”

Making cement is a dirty, expensive manufacturing process. Bob Wright oversees the electrical operation of Ash Grove Cement’s century-old facility in Chanute, Kan., one of the leading cement manufacturer’s nine plants. Combined, the plants have an annual production capacity of nearly 9 million tons of cement. Like other companies in the cement industry, Ash Grove faces heightened competition, ever-fluctuating demand and intense pressure to efficiently increase productivity.

To maximize production, the Chanute plant manufactures cement all day, every day. Nearly 1,000 motors generate a combined 45,000 horsepower, driving the production of five tons of cement per minute. “The success or failure of our plant depends on our motors,” Wright says. “We need reliable equipment and ongoing maintenance to protect our motors, control production and operate efficiently.”

To resolve problems with an unreliable, antiquated motor-control system, Ash Grove invested in an unusual, yet effective, solution—installing a technologically advanced, low-voltage variable frequency AC drive to its existing 2,300-horsepower, medium voltage AC motors. Ash Grove not only updated its drive technology, it modernized its approach to maintaining capital investments. The result so far is an initial savings of $250,000 and 90 percent uptime. “Not too long ago, manufacturers had a ‘run-it-until-it-breaks’ mentality. But now, we have the tools to protect capital investments like our motors,” Wright says.

To produce the clinker used in the cement making process, Ash Grove uses limestone mined from on-site quarries, mixes it with other ingredients and heats the material up to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit in a 150-foot-long rotating kiln. Still piping hot, the clinker, which ranges from marble-sized to three inches in diameter, goes through a cooling process before a mill filled with steel balls grinds it into powdery cement.

Spotting trouble

Workers at Ash Grove had trouble when it came time to service these three ball mills each month. For technicians to enter the mill for servicing, they used an antiquated 60-horsepower generator motor to rotate the mill inch-by-inch until it reached an exact position.

The process of manually positioning equipment, called “spotting,” became difficult because technicians had no effective way to accurately apply torque to the medium voltage motor directly from the power system—the technique used to slowly rotate the mill. “Along with the problems we had moving the bulky mill to a precise position, the cogging, or abrupt starting and stopping of the motor, can cause mechanical and electrical damage to equipment,” Wright says.

The issue interfered with the company’s goal of minimizing downtime while maximizing production. “Each hour we shut down operations to perform routine maintenance or resolve a fault translates to 300 tons of cement that could have been produced,” Wright explains.

Fed up with the frequency and expense of the problem, Wright shared his frustrations with his sales contact at Rockwell Automation Inc., Ash Grove’s automation supplier for the rest of the facility. “Traditionally, this situation called for a new spotting controller and gear motor or a medium voltage drive,” Wright says. “But Rockwell Automation engineers designed an AC drive solution that outperforms the other solutions at a fraction of the cost.”

Ash Grove replaced the generators that powered the mill spotting with preconfigured, 480-volt, 450 horsepower, AC variable frequency drives from Milwaukee-based Rockwell Automation. The Allen-Bradley AC drives power three existing 4,000-volt, 2,300-horsepower AC motors exclusively during the spotting process to efficiently rotate the ball mill and bring it to a controlled start and stop.

“With over 30 years of experience in the cement industry, I consider myself a DC devotee,” says Wright. “I never believed AC technology could produce 100 percent torque at zero speed until Rockwell Automation developed an AC motor control solution for a high-torque application.

“Rockwell Automation engineers helped us commission the drive and get everything up and running within an hour of their arrival,” Wright recalled. “This seamless, quick transition helped reduce the time between integration and actual machine operation.”

Hydrogen generating

H2Gen Innovations Inc., in Alexandria, Va., designs and manufactures small-scale, on-site hydrogen generation modules [HGM] that produce pure hydrogen from natural gas and water. The process that occurs inside one of these miniature chemical plants, known as steam methane reforming, is nothing new. It’s the size and automation of H2Gen’s machines that make them revolutionary. The company’s executive team is convinced the HGM, with its groundbreaking footprint and Siemens control system, will crack the age-old chicken-and-egg dilemma that has dogged the automotive fuel cell market for years.

Developers are reluctant to spend big money producing fuel cells until a reliable and economical hydrogen distribution solution is found. And investors are leery to bet on infrastructure until consumers are kicking the tires on hydrogen cars.

“Our hydrogen generators can be installed virtually anywhere, since they’re fed by the natural gas pipelines and water mains that are flowing below every boulevard in America,” explains Barney Rush, H2Gen’s chief executive officer, who is focused on serving markets that can benefit today from the company’s hydrogen generators and recycling machines. “We’ve got more than 15 of our hydrogen generators in the field supporting a variety of current customer needs, and new orders are on the rise.”

Kelly Leitch, director of field operations, says, “We used full design-for-manufacture-and-assembly for all the equipment. A 3D model was developed in the computer-aided-design application, with care to assure that everything was placed for building and for servicing. With the full 3D model, we also could design for the shipment container. We might go through 30 revisions before the first pipe is cut. It’s the same with the software. We develop the programmable logic controller (PLC) program in Siemens Step 7, targeting the S7-300 PLCs in parallel with the machine design. We can simulate machine operation, taking in either data from the real sensor or with manually entered values to test the system before the prototype is even built.”

Using Siemens HMI and Web-enabled monitoring, H2Gen engineers can see the same screen as the remote operators. “I was just at the airport in Houston talking with a customer,” relates Leitch, “and I was able to go into the system and see the screen he was looking at to help solve the problem.”

Reliable design

With machines located at customer sites where there may not even be a controls engineer, this care in the design of the machine and control system pays off in reliable operation. The push-button start style, ease-of-use and dependability of H2Gen’s devices are a hit with specialty steel makers, gas separators, food processors and other manufacturers that rely on hydrogen in production. Many companies have seen just how fragile, unpredictable and expensive trucked-in hydrogen supplies can be in the wake of big storms and volatile demand.

While the bulk of current demand for H2Gen’s hydrogen generators comes from manufacturers who’ve lost confidence in traditional hydrogen suppliers, leading automotive and energy companies are eyeing H2Gen solutions with growing interest.

“Our remote capability has really generated customer confidence in our solutions,” says Leitch. “Traditional chemical plants require three or four operators sitting in front of screens monitoring and running the operation around the clock. Siemens Step 7 software is robust enough to run the process automatically and alert us ahead of any potential issues.”

Many control and information systems run on a Windows operating system from Microsoft Corp., Redmond, Wash. Both the operating system and the application programs undergo periodic upgrades. Throwing complexity into the mix, the interrelationship of the operating system to the various applications running on top can be thrown out of kilter by seemingly innocuous changes in one or the other.

Shawn Gold, global program manager for open systems services at Honeywell Process Solutions, in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, oversees the company’s managed services program. There are several circumstances in which users face potential system degradation or even lock-up. “Operating system patches and keeping up with the latest anti-virus software are an added load for our customers, who often don’t have time to investigate all the changes. We constantly investigate the impact that anti-virus changes have on operating systems and on the entire system. We can also help the customer maintain up-to-date software.”

Then there is the potential problem of the computer system losing performance or stability due to the organic growth of the control system. “All control systems grow, for example, by adding additional input/output channels,” says Gold. “You need to watch the system to see if the growth has hit the tipping point that will degrade the performance of the system. We have programs to continuously monitor and manage these problems. We can check and download and install updates automatically. We can detect performance degradation well before it has an impact on the system. With an offline test bed, we can check out the impact of software changes before the customer has to deal with them.”

From sensors to software, potential reliability problems are everywhere. With monitoring and ingenuity, engineers are keeping their equipment running longer and in the manner for which it was designed

Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Industrial control systems for Automation

Industrial control system (ICS) is a general term that encompasses several types of control systems, including supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, distributed control systems (DCS), and other smaller control system configurations such as skid-mounted programmable logic controllers (PLC) often found in the industrial sectors and critical infrastructures.

ICSs are typically used in industries such as electrical, water, oil and gas, data. Based on information received from remote stations, automated or operator-driven supervisory commands can be pushed to remote station control devices, which are often referred to as field devices. Field devices control local operations such as opening and closing valves and breakers, collecting data from sensor systems, and monitoring the local environment for alarm conditions.

Industrial control system technology has evolved over the past three to four decades. DCS systems generally refer to the particular functional distributed control system design that exist in industrial process plants (e.g., oil and gas, refining, chemical, pharmaceutical, some food and beverage, water and wastewater, pulp and paper, utility power, mining, metals). The DCS concept came about from a need to gather data and control the systems on a large campus in real time on high-bandwidth, low-latency data networks. It is common for loop controls to extend all the way to the top level controllers in a DCS, as everything works in real time. These systems evolved from a need to extend pneumatic control systems beyond just a small cell area of a refinery.

The PLC (programmable logic controller) evolved out of a need to replace racks of relays in ladder form. The latter were not particularly reliable, were difficult to rewire, and were difficult to diagnose. PLC control tends to be used in very regular, high-speed binary controls, such as controlling a high-speed printing press. Originally, PLC equipment did not have remote I/O racks, and many couldn't even perform more than rudimentary analog controls.

SCADA's history is rooted in distribution applications, such as power, natural gas, and water pipelines, where there is a need to gather remote data through potentially unreliable or intermittent low-bandwidth/high-latency links. SCADA systems use open-loop control with sites that are widely separated geographically. A SCADA system uses RTUs (remote terminal units, also referred to as remote telemetry units) to send supervisory data back to a control center. Most RTU systems always did have some limited capacity to handle local controls while the master station is not available. However, over the years RTU systems have grown more and more capable of handling local controls.

The boundaries between these system definitions are blurring as time goes on. The technical limits that drove the designs of these various systems are no longer as much of an issue. Many PLC platforms can now perform quite well as a small DCS, using remote I/O and analog control loops, and are able to communicate supervisory data. It is not uncommon to have telecommunications infrastructure that is so responsive and reliable that some SCADA systems actually manage closed loop control over long distances. With the increasing speed of today's processors, many DCS products have a full line of PLC-like subsystems that weren't offered when they were initially developed.

This has led to the concept of a PAC (programmable automation controller or process automation controller). It is an amalgamation of these three concepts. Time and the market will determine whether this can simplify some of the terminology and confusion that surrounds these concepts today.

Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

A programmable logic controller (PLC) or programmable controller is a digital computer used for automation of electromechanical processes, such as control of machinery on factory assembly lines, amusement rides, or lighting fixtures. PLCs are used in many industries and machines. Unlike general-purpose computers, the PLC is designed for multiple inputs and output arrangements, extended temperature ranges, immunity to electrical noise, and resistance to vibration and impact. Programs to control machine operation are typically stored in battery-backed or non-volatile memory. A PLC is an example of a real time system since output results must be produced in response to input conditions within a bounded time, otherwise unintended operation will result.The PLC was invented in response to the needs of the American automotive manufacturing industry. Programmable logic controllers were initially adopted by the automotive industry where software revision replaced the re-wiring of hard-wired control panels when production models changed.

Before the PLC, control, sequencing, and safety interlock logic for manufacturing automobiles was accomplished using hundreds or thousands of relays, cam timers, and drum sequencers and dedicated closed-loop controllers. The process for updating such facilities for the yearly model change-over was very time consuming and expensive, as electricians needed to individually rewire each and every relay.

In 1968 GM Hydramatic (the automatic transmission division of General Motors) issued a request for proposal for an electronic replacement for hard-wired relay systems. The winning proposal came from Bedford Associates of Bedford, Massachusetts. The first PLC, designated the 084 because it was Bedford Associates' eighty-fourth project, was the result. Bedford Associates started a new company dedicated to developing, manufacturing, selling, and servicing this new product: Modicon, which stood for MOdular DIgital CONtroller. One of the people who worked on that project was Dick Morley, who is considered to be the "father" of the PLC. The Modicon brand was sold in 1977 to Gould Electronics, and later acquired by German Company AEG and then by French Schneider Electric, the current owner.

One of the very first 084 models built is now on display at Modicon's headquarters in North Andover, Massachusetts. It was presented to Modicon by GM, when the unit was retired after nearly twenty years of uninterrupted service. Modicon used the 84 moniker at the end of its product range until the 984 made its appearance.

The automotive industry is still one of the largest users of PLCs.

Beginner's Guide to PLC Programming

For a beginner who wants to learn PLC programming is strongly recommended to use a guide or tutorial. Beginner's guide to the PLC programming courses can be conducted at institutions of learning PLC programming, or you can be taught himself by reading a book or eBook PLC programming tutorials or you can also get access to an online course to let you see the PLC programming in action. You learn by watching.

Beginner's Guide to PLC Programming will learn things like the following:
• Define the most commonly used terms, such as rung, bit, input, output, etc.
• Learn relay ladder logic in simple, easy to understand terms
• Learn Machine Diagnostics and how to use them in your PLC program
• Learn the basic knowledge you need to be a top-notch PLC programmer
• Introduce to PLC control, and how it is used in plant automation

The good news is that ladder logic, and programmable logic control, is not that hard to understand. There are just a few essential concepts that you need grasp. This PLC tutorial usually explains everything you need to know to get a solid understanding of PLCs.

To the beginner, some courses or online tutorial may be more valuable than the thick and complex books written by college professors. They cover functions and algorithms you may never use. After wading through one of these, you still might not know how to turn on a motor.

PLC programming is becoming needed in the business world

PLC programming is becoming needed in the business world especially when it comes to controlling machinery. PLC stands for 'Programmable Logic Controller' and is in essence a tiny computer with its own operating system. This operating system is what controls much of what the machinery that runs industry is capable of doing.

Because the world of industrial machinery is constantly being upgraded and evolved there is a real need for individuals that know how PLC programming works. If you are in a position to benefit from PLC you may be asking yourself where you can go in order to learn PLC programming.

Thanks to the high tech environment you now find yourself in there are a number of opportunities for you to learn PLC programming. Depending on how you prefer to learn you can choose any one of the following options:

• Train at Home Course: There are companies that offer PLC training courses that you can take at your leisure and at your own pace in the privacy of your own home. The courses offered vary in time allotted to complete the course, but if you are a person who can learn on your own by reading a lot of material as opposed to listening to lectures and taking notes, this may be the way to go for you.

• Train Online: Like almost everything else these days you can learn PLC programming by taking an online course. There are various courses offered and some courses are even free, though you tend to get what you pay for.

• Training Software: For those of you who like to learn by doing, there is a number of PLC training software that you can obtain in order to learn how to use it. This type of training is nice as it offers you a visual tutorial of what to do and then follows with you performing the actions yourself.

• PLC Simulators: Much like the training software, PLC training simulators allow you to put into practice the many different applications of PLC programming that you learn as you go along. Depending on the PLC application you want to learn, you can find these simulators in a wide range of prices and some are even free to use.

• PLC Programming Seminars: For those of you who are a bit more of the old fashion learning persuasion, there are PLC training seminars that you can attend. These seminars will allow you a more 'classroom' environment and much of what you will learn will be hands on. Some seminars will train you in the basics of PLC programming and others will tech you specific applications.

No matter how you prefer to learn there is a method for you to learn PLC that will be effective. If you work in an environment that has a need for those who are skilled in PLC programming then taking advantage of one of the many ways to learn PLC as it could be the catalyst that helps you get to the next level in your career.

Makes a good PLC Program

PLC programmers have faced a sharp learning curve over the last 20 years, as technology has moved quickly and almost all industries have implemented programmable logic controllers as a benchmark. This means that good skilled and experience programmers are hard to find, and while most companies offer programming services there are important features which are often missed out.

Firstly a PLC programmers should write code so that it can be easily understood. Documentation and structure are essential. This often involves a working knowledge of the plant or process, a good PLC should be able to solve engineering problems from a specification, not just produce lines of code. From my experience the best PLC programmers are always firstly engineers.

Secondly the end user should never need to look at the PLC programmer's code this might seem a contradiction of point one but a good program will perform without intervention. I work on the theory if something looks rushed and untidy it usually is.

Thirdly think robustness this means if a machine or process stops the operator/technician should know why straight away, diagnosing software faults should not require a specialist. With the implementation of field busses and integrated devices this becomes increasingly difficult as programmers often adopt the Idea of it works leave it, upon the first failure nobody can ever diagnose the issue. When using new technologies time should be spent looking at the functionality. In a recent project I managed to mimic the entire Profibus network with over 50 drives into the SCADA, two days later a drive faulted and an operator was able to show the maintenance guy exactly where the fault was, the drive was replaced and production resumed within half an hour. Think information and look at what can hang up the operation.

One good technique I have found on making code more robust is sequential counts; I have spent the last 5 years developing my own ladder sequential charts. After working with manufacturers own add -on packages ,at a premium, my opinion is ladder steps are more cost effective and usable.

Documentation - As a minimum every PLC code should include as a minimum an Operand comment, whether this is an input output or internal register. In my project I will also always try to cross reference this with the electrical drawing. Block Comment the first block in a PLC code should include important traceability information, a comment of any modifications the date and reasons should be quickly visible. Rung comment all rungs should give a functional description of what they are doing.

Structure - Structure should always follow the flow of the machine, for example a packaging machine should start a infeed, define each operation in a separate routine and end with the out feed. This technique seems to have been missed by many programmers making diagnosis and modification difficult.

It should never be underestimated how much machine/process availability can be increased through good programming techniques. Remember PLC programmers is not a black art, just because something is not visible does not mean it should not be done correctly. Always demand more from systems integrators and PLC programmers.